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Hunslet Moor
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School Admissions

Whether starting school for the first time, or aiming to transfer mid-year, to apply for a place at our school from Reception to Year 6 you will need to apply online with Leeds City Council.

Please use this link to understand the admissions policies set out by the Leeds City Council: Our school admissions policies

Moving schools – This link gives you details on how to move school:

If you would like a place  at Hunslet Moor Primary School for your child please follow the link below and select the appropriate option.

If you're moving to Leeds or want to change schools in Leeds, you need to complete the online in-year application and follow the steps listed on the website.

Leeds City Council admissions will coordinate in-year applications and send a single decision by letter or email. They will consider each of your requested preferences.

School place offers are allocated once a week in term time.

Hunslet Moor Primary School follows the Leeds Admission Policy 

You can access a copy of this Policy by clicking this link:

Leeds School Admission Policy

Our coordination schemes

Our coordination scheme sets out how we work with different types of schools and other local authorities to process applications to start school for the first time.

Coordination scheme

Accepting an offer of a place

If you would like to accept the offer for your child to start at Hunslet Moor Primary School, please email giving the name of your child and stating that you accept the offer for your child.

If you have any questions or concerns about the admissions process, please contact Fiona May (Safeguarding & Welfare Officer) or Lynne Linley (Office Manager) via the School Office.

Applying for a Reception place for September 

Applications open on 1st November. You will need to make your application using the online application form on the Leeds City Council website mentioned above.  

National Primary Offer Day – 16th April

Parents/carers who applied online for a Reception place at any  school will receive an email with their offer from 8am onwards. Applications on paper or email will result in an offer letter being posted out today – Leeds City Council ask parents/carers to please allow seven days for this to arrive.

To accept the offer of a place for your child, please follow the instructions above.

Refusing the offer 

Leeds City Council asks that we make families aware that if they turn down a place, it will be allocated to another child and they cannot guarantee a place will become available at a closer school to home – they could be left without a Reception place in September.

Accepting an offer doesn’t impact the chances of being offered a place from the waiting list or increase the chances of success at an appeal hearing.

That any family who refuses an offer must confirm this in writing to and will be asked to confirm where they will be educating their child in September.

Wanting to be added to a waiting list for a school

If families are not happy with the school they have been offered they can ask to be added to the waiting list for any Leeds school (including schools they haven’t previously asked for)  and can appeal against the refusal of a place at a preferred school. Waiting list forms and appeal forms are available at:

Please see key information from Leeds City Council below:

Families do not need to take any action on offer day, as they have until 30 April to submit waiting list requests and 15 May to submit appeal requests. Due to coronavirus (COVID-19), appeal hearings are on hold until we receive further guidance from the Department for Education.

Please follow the link below to the Leeds City Council information page:

Applying for a Secondary School Place 

When your child starts Year 6 you will receive a letter from Leeds City Council asking you to apply for a Year 7 place.   

If you live in Leeds you should submit your application to Leeds City Council even if you want to apply for a school outside of Leeds. If you live outside Leeds and want to apply for a Leeds school, you should submit your application to your council. 

We recommend choosing five schools to give your child the best chance of getting a place at a school you prefer. Please use the following link to apply.

The deadline is 31st October.

When you’ll find out

Leeds City Council offer secondary school places on 1 March (offer day). If you applied through their online application portal, they will email you with your child's offer. They will send this email during the working day.

If you applied in any other way, you'll receive an offer letter to your registered home address (a few days after offer day).

Get help with your application

For help with your application contact Leeds City Council on:

Phone: 0113 222 4414