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Hunslet Moor
Primary School

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At Hunslet Moor we believe that all children should be given the opportunity to achieve their full potential, taking into account the importance of meeting the needs of each individual child’s learning, and their social and emotional needs.

We provide a broad and balanced curriculum at Hunslet Moor with full coverage of all primary school subjects, in line with statutory requirements, as well as many opportunities for enrichment and challenge. At the heart of our curriculum is our school ethos, striving to unlock every child’s potential. We celebrate and value our diversity as a school and have planned opportunities throughout the year to recognise special times and key events.

To find out more about our Curriculum please see the following documents or contact Miss Bolger our Curriculum Lead via our enquiry form.

Our School Vision    Curriculum Policy

Click below to view our subject specific pages

Educational Visits and Enriching Experiences

Parental Engagement Overview 2024-25

Enriching experiences are fundamental to our school curriculum at Hunslet Moor, enabling children to learn through first hand experiences, both in school and on out-of-school visits. Our local community is at the heart of our school and we value the experiences the community can provide us with through visits from key people in the local area, local walks, historical experiences (e.g. Middleton Railway), visits to local places of worship and whole school community events.

Enriching experiences linked to topics or specific subject areas are mapped out for each phase. All school visits are planned with approval from the EVC (Educational Visits Co-ordinator) and Headteacher and in line with the Evolve system.

When possible, we involve parents and carers in these enriching experiences so as to further embed home school links across school. This could take the form of parents and carers supporting on out of school visits or being involved in events taking place in school.

Parental Engagement and Class Assemblies

Parental Engagement Overview 2024-25

At Hunslet Moor, we believe that it is essential to involve parents in all that we do. We are always looking for ways to provide opportunities for parents to be a part of their child’s education, whether that is through Stay and Play events, drop in sessions, themed days, performances or class assemblies.

One key purpose of class assemblies at Hunslet Moor is to enable pupils’ to share their learning with their parents and carers and to develop their speaking skills and confidence performing in front of an audience.

Through class assemblies we aim to encourage and promote the opportunity for children to; learn about and promote greater understanding, tolerance and respect for each other’s cultures and beliefs and celebrate in each other’s successes and achievements through sharing work and ideas. Our shared assemblies develop a sense of belonging to a wider school community; develop our knowledge and understanding of the importance of religious stories and ideas found in different faiths and an appreciation and celebration of festivals that are represented in our diverse school community.