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Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural (SMSC)

Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural education & the Promotion of British Values at Hunslet Moor Primary

SMSC and the Promotion of British Values 2024-2025

The development of our spiritual, moral, social, cultural and British values is a key aspect of our school curriculum and is threaded through our school ethos of DREAMS. Through our long term planning and enriching experiences children have the opportunity to explore values and beliefs, including religious beliefs, and the way in which they impact on peoples’ lives.

Our behaviour and relationships policy identifies a ‘restorative practice’ approach, enabling children to develop an understanding of their own and others’ feelings and emotions and the way in which our actions impact on other people.

Assemblies and Collective Worship at Hunslet Moor Primary School are both spiritual and educational and are recognised as having a major contribution to the spiritual and moral development of all pupils.

Through Collective Worship we aim to; provide an all-inclusive opportunity to build and reinforce community values; reflect on and understand elements of life which are of value and worth; provide a variety of opportunities for spiritual, moral, social, cultural and intellectual development; provide opportunities for expressing shared experiences and interests and for celebrating special occasions together; and provide opportunities in which pupils interact with other year groups, staff and on occasions the wider community.

What are SMSC and British Values?

Pupils’ spiritual development will involve the growth of their sense of self, their unique potential, their understanding of their strengths and weakness, and their willingness to achieve. As their curiosity about themselves and their place in the world increases, they try to answer for themselves some of life’s fundamental questions.

Pupils’ moral development involves pupils acquiring an understanding of the difference between right and wrong and of moral conflict, a concern for others and the will to do what is right.

Pupils’ social development involves pupils acquiring an understanding of the responsibilities and rights of being members of families and communities (local, national and global) and an ability to relate to others and to work with others for the common good.

Pupils’ cultural development involves pupils acquiring an understanding of cultural traditions and ability to appreciate and respond to a variety of aesthetic experiences. They acquire a respect for their own culture and that of others, an interest in others’ ways of doing things and curiosity about differences.

British values – understanding democracy

  • Elected school council
  • Pupil voice
  • Classroom monitors
  • Writing balanced arguments in literacy
  • Debating in different subjects
  • Class decision making about class rewards

British values – understanding individual learning

  • Learning challenges
  •  Visits to the library and choosing own books
  • Choice of clubs available
  • Lunch choices
  • Paired/group work in lessons

British values – understanding tolerance and respect

  • Celebrating festivals from world faiths
  • Breadth of themes in assemblies
  • Lunches catering for different requirements
  • Teaching about different religions
  • Visits from representatives of different religions and to local places of worship
  • Rights Respecting School
  • Anti-bullying week

British values – understanding the rule of law

  • Ensure school rules are understood and consistently applied, including e-safety
  •  Explaining to pupils how rules are made in school and laws made in Britain
  • Learning about the monarchy in history

Spiritual development

  • Class reflection time
  •  Planned programme of collective worship
  •  Learning about different faiths in RE
  • Celebration of key religious events

Moral development

  • Daily class reflection time
  • Planned programme of collective worship – including weekly ethos assemblies
  • Restorative practice
  •  Implementation of the relationship and behaviour policy

Social development

  • Class reflection time
  • Planned programme of collective worship – opportunities for all children to present to an audience
  • Restorative practice
  • Elected school council
  • Pupils giving visitors tours of school
  • Pupils leading the community event

Cultural development

  • Class reflection time
  •  Planned programme of collective worship
  •  Links to local context
  • Community events
  • Enriching experiences – visits to local historical sites
  • UKS2 programme of music – music from different cultures
  • Themed days linked to the curriculum

British Values

At Hunslet Moor Primary we  promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. We achieve this through our class behaviour charters, our school behaviour and relationship ethos, in our collective worship and school assemblies and in our daily reflection time in each class.

Class Reflection Time

Each day, there is planned collective worship for every class, whether this being coming together as a class, phase or whole school. Included in this time is planned opportunity  for SMSC development and to promote fundamental British values. These sessions are engaging and interactive, giving children the opportunity to listen to each other, share their thoughts and feelings, question, engage in discussions, and respond in different ways using creativity and imagination, including through music and art.

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