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Hunslet Moor
Primary School

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Our School

Our Governing Body

Name of governor

Category of governor and committees served

 Date appointed and term of office

Relevant business/personal interests

Any other educational establishments governed

Relationships with the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives

Hannah Darley Headteacher 01/09/2013-31/08/2050 None No None
Emma Marshall Local authority Governor– Chair of Governors and member of Resources and Teaching & Learning committee. 05/12/2017- 04/12/2025 None No None
Minnie Rahman Parent Governor- Chair of Teaching & Learning committee 22/12/2012- 30/11/2024 None No None
Salik Miah Parent Governor

29/03/2023- 28/03/2027

None No None
Halima Ali Staff Governor-Member of Pupil Support Committee 01/09/2017-15/11/2025 None No None
Jane Medley Local Authority Governor- Chair of Resources committee 10/12/2012- 04/09/2026 None No None
Jason Waddington Vice Chair
05/10/2011- 04/09/2026 Workplace Health & Safety representative Leeds Schools Forum Committee member None
John Rees Co-opted Representative Member of Pupil Support committee. 29/09/2010- 04/09/2026 None No None
Lucy Bolger

Associate Member-

Deputy Headteacher

25/10/2023- 24/10/2027 None No None
Laura Frankland

Associate Member- 

Deputy Headteacher

25/10/2023- 24/10/2027 None No None
Hayley Potts

Associate Member- 

Business Manager

25/10/2023- 24/10/2027 None No None
Kerri Daniels  (nee Kassabian)

Associate Member- 

Designated Safeguarding Lead

25/10/2023- 24/10/2027 None No None
Rachel Chandler

Associate Member-

Assistant Headteacher

25/10/2023- 24/10/2027 None No None
Mursaleen Ali

Co-opted Representative

19/12/2023- 18/12/2027 None No  None