Ofsted Reports
We are delighted to be able to share the outcomes from our Ofsted Inspection on 23 and 24 April 2024.
Hunslet Moor Primary School continues to be a good school.
We are very proud of the achievements that the report acknowledges and would like to thank parents, carers and families for all of your support.
Please click below to download a full copy of the report:
Paper copies of the report are available from our School Office.
Below are some of the findings, we hope you find the time to read the report in full:
Good behaviour: “Leaders have established high expectations for pupils’ behaviour… The school has developed effective systems for good behaviour.”
Strong starts in the early years: “Pupils make strong starts in the early years, quickly becoming confident and fluent readers... Right from the start in early years, children show positive attitudes towards their learning.”
Good progress: “Published assessment data indicates that the proportion of pupils leaving school meeting age-related expectations is low. However, the same data indicates that pupils make good progress over time from their starting points.”
“The schools focused work on the core curriculum is having a positive impact. Pupils work in their books and lessons show s that pupils are making good progress and achieving well.”
Effective adaptive teaching: “The school quickly identifies pupils who have SEND. Staff adapt their teaching to ensure that pupils with SEND achieve well.”
Effective safeguarding and personal development programme:
“Pupils benefit from the school’s personal development programme. They are taught about healthy lifestyles and how to keep themselves safe, including when they are online. Pupils understand the importance of equality and they celebrate the diversity of the school population.”
“The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.”
Positive feedback from stakeholders:
“Pupils are proud to attend Hunslet Moor Primary School.”
“Parents appreciate the support they receive.”
The vast majority of staff value the support provided by leaders… Staff are proud to be part of the Hunslet Moor team.”
High expectations for every child’s attendance: “The school prioritises regular attendance and leaders act quickly when pupil’s attendance causes concern. Despite an exhaustive range of strategies employed by leaders, some pupils are not in school often enough.”