Lynne Linley Office Manger Office and administration lead Human Resources & staffing, personnel, recruitment WASP facilitation SCR administration and compliance Marketing and promotion: Website Admissions Supply bookings/ liaison
Line management Administration team x 2
Regan Hayes TLR2a PE & Sports Premium Lead Physical activity extended Provision (ASC)
Line management Monitoring of extended provision physical activity clubs and provision at lunchtimes
Amy Henry TLR2b EYFS leader
Line management: EYFS teachers and learning support TAs Nursery lead
Sam Gray (0.6) TLR2a Nursery Manager- admissions co- ordination
Line management: Nursery team under the leadership of EYFS leader |
Emma Stringer Lead practitioner of Inclusion Medical lead
Line management: Inclusion Support Workers
Jessica Browne (0.6) TLR2a- maternity leave Science lead
Line management:
Anna Wragg TLR2a- maternity leave
Line management:
School Team
Senior Leadership Team
Hannah Darley – Headteacher
Leadership and management:
Oversee the strategic development and performance of:
- -Governance
- -School to School & Development Partnerships
- -Finance, Premises & Health & Safety
- -Staff- Personnel and wellbeing
- -Budget
- -Safeguarding & Child Protection
- -Assessment & Reporting lead
- -CPD
- -PiXL
-Designated CP Officer
Deputy Headteacher, Lucy Bolger (0.8).
Strategic lead for the development, CPD, monitoring and evaluation of:
- -Core and wider curriculum
- -Monitoring and evaluation
- -EVC leader
Teaching and learning
- Inclusion link leader
- -Strategic lead for learning environments- displays
- -Strategic lead for Literacy, language and communication (led by RB and GH, half termly meeting)
- -Quality of education: Teaching and learning and learning, environments and behaviour, culture and attitudes
- -EYFS and KS1 Inclusion lead
Designated CP Officer
Subject leadership for computing inc. Designated CP Officer focus online harm
Deputy Headteacher, Laura Frankland (0.8)
Strategic leader for the development, CPD and monitoring and evaluation of:
Safeguarding and well- being and mental health:
- - Attendance & Punctuality
- -Volunteers and work experience placements
- -Parental engagement opportunities
- -Pupil admissions
- -Safer recruitment checks
- -Deputy DSL
- -Well- being team
Personal development, behaviour, culture and attitudes lead:
- - Whole School Inclusion lead
- Overseeing lunchtime provision
- - SMSC
- -Assemblies and collective worship
- -Behaviour and discipline
- -Wellbeing lead (pupils and staff)
- -Preventative curriculum
- -School Council
- -Induction tutor for ECTs
- -Attendance and punctuality strategic lead
-Overseeing the induction for ECTs
-Designated CP Officer
Senior Assistant Headteacher: Rachel Chandler
Strategic leader for the development, CPD and monitoring and evaluation of:
Standards and progress leader
- Assessment
- -Pupil premium lead
- -Maths leader
- -KS2 Inclusion link leader
- -Quality of education: Teaching and learning and learning, environments and behaviour, culture and attitudes
KS2 focused Assistant Headteacher: Rachael Burdett
Strategic lead for the development, CPD, monitoring and evaluation of:
- -UPKS2 leader for the quality of education:
- -Standards and progress inc. provision mapping
- -Teaching and learning
- -Learning, environments
- -behaviour, culture and attitudes (across the school day including lunchtimes)
- -Behaviour, culture and attitudes lead
- -Strategic lead for literacy, language and communication
- -MFL lead
EYFS- KS1 focused Assistant Headteacher: Sian Bates
Strategic lead for the development, CPD, monitoring and evaluation of:
- KS1 leadership for the quality of education:
- Standards and progress inc. provision mapping
- Teaching and learning
- Learning, environments
- Behaviour, culture and attitudes (across the school day including lunchtimes)
- Home learning
- PSHCE and RSE lead
- EYFS- KS2 parental engagement: raising aspirations, enrichment experiences, extended provision inc. opportunities with the curriculum, social media and website contributions
Senior leader for Inclusion: Lucie Hemingway
Strategic lead for the development, CPD, monitoring and evaluation of:
- Whole School Inclusion lead
- Designated teacher for Child Looked
- Silver Birch provision
- Language and communication strategic lead
-Designated CP Officer
Senior lead (TLR2c): Greg Hall
Strategic lead for the development, CPD, monitoring and evaluation of:
- LWKS2 leader for the quality of education:
- Standards and progress inc. provision mapping
- Teaching and learning
- Learning, environments
- Behaviour, culture and attitudes (across the school day including lunchtimes)
- Early literacy (RWI lead)
- Strategic lead for literacy, language and communication
- EAL and new arrival lead
Kerri Daniels DSL and Mental Health & Wellbeing Officer: Strategic leadership/ evaluative Lead (currently on Maternity Leave) . Kimberley Dellow in this role during this period.
Child Protection & Safeguarding Lead
- Pupil & Staff Mental Health & Wellbeing Lead
- EYFS/ KS1 and KS2 Inclusion meetings
Hayley Potts - School Business Manager
- Finance and Budget
- Attendance and or reports to Governors
- Premises
- HR and Staffing
- Health and Safety
- Marketing and promotion: website
- Managing attendance monitoring and coordination
- WASP co- ordination
- Policies co- ordination
- Tuition grant spend
- Sickness monitoring incl. return to work meetings
- WASPs facilitator
Senior Management Team - 2024-2025
Teaching Team
Year group |
Teacher(s) |
Nursery |
Mrs Sam Gray (0.6) and Mrs Emily Haskins (0.6) |
Reception A |
Mrs Amy Henry (also Early Years Phase Leader) |
Reception B |
Miss Lucy Bolger and Mrs Jessica Browne |
Class 1A |
Mrs Maria Read |
Class 1B |
Miss Laura Wells |
Class 2A |
Mrs Helen Esteves |
Class 2B |
Miss Sian Bates Miss Saira Shamshir (Early Careers Teacher) |
Class 3A |
Ms Rachelle Hayes |
Class 3B |
Miss Emilie Pratt |
Class 4A |
Miss Sara Ghouzhdi |
Class 4B |
Mr Greg Hall |
Class 5A |
Miss Eve Tointon |
Class 5B |
Mr Regan Hayes |
Class 6A |
Miss Lydia Eardley |
Class 6B |
Ms Rachael Burdett and Mrs Emma Stringer |
Silver Birch |
Mrs Stephanie Bateson |
Maternity Leave |
Mrs Anna Wragg |
Nicola Dutton – trainee teacher
Teaching release/PPA:
Rebecca Gatenby, Tiffany Sturdy, Irene Johnson, Jenna Irish
Safeguarding & Wellbeing Staff
Kerri Daniels (Currently on Maternity Leave) Kimberley Dellow Acting DSL from 29/04/24 |
Designated Safeguarding Lead and Mental Health and Wellbeing Officer |
Fiona May (Whilst Kimberley Dellow in DSL role) | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Hannah Darley | Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding member of staff |
Lucy Bolger | Deputy Headteacher & Online Safety Lead |
Laura Frankland | Deputy Headteacher |
Dawn Graham | Safeguarding and WellbeingWorker & Designated Safeguarding member of staff |
Sammy Brooke-White | Safeguarding and Wellbeing Worker & /Designated Safeguarding member of staff |
Lucie Hemingway | SENDCo Designated Teacher for Child Looked After & Designated Safeguarding member of staff |
Teaching & Inclusion Support Team
Amy Haist |
Teaching and learning support - EYFS |
Minu Bibi |
Inclusion and learning support – EYFS |
Gabriella Silva (Agency) |
Inclusion Support Worker– EYFS |
Kira Aslam |
Teaching and learning support - EYFS |
Halima Ali |
Inclusion Support Worker –EYFS |
Inderjeet Kaur |
Inclusion Support Worker - EYFS |
Amina Arfan |
Inclusion Support Worker- EYFS |
Jacob Owen |
Inclusion Support Worker- EYFS |
Heidi Pope |
HLTA- across school |
Claire Rowbotham |
Cover Supervisor - KS1 |
Zineb Chaouf |
HLTA - Early Reading |
Tara Rosconie |
HLTA - KS1 Language and communication |
Monica Clarke |
Inclusion Support Worker– KS1 |
Andrea Green |
Teaching and learning support – KS1 (mornings only) |
Irene Johnson |
Cover Supervisor – KS1 and UPKS2 |
Jane Buckley |
Inclusion Support Worker – Silver Birch, KS1 and KS2 |
Shahnaz Chaudhry |
Teaching and learning support – KS1 and LWKS2 |
Rachel Robertson |
Teaching and learning support - LWKS2 |
Shorufa Ali |
Teaching and learning support- LWKS2 |
Nicola Dutton |
Tiffany Sturdy |
HLTA- KS2 Language and communication |
Karen Preece |
Teaching and learning support – UPKS2 |
Courtney Wain |
Inclusion Support Worker – UPKS2 |
Patricia Fielding |
Inclusion Support Worker – UPKS2 |
Becky Gatenby |
HLTA- across school |
Jenna Irish |
HLTA - Silver Birch |
Maleka Yousufi |
Inclusion Support Worker – Silver Birch |
Sarah Harker |
Senior Inclusion Support Worker- across school |
Office Staff
Lynne Linley – Office Manager
Jeannette Boote - Office Administrator
Charlene Richardson - Office Administrator - Part time
Andrea Green - Office Administrator - Part time
Midday Supervisor Staff
Tracy Grimley
Sue Rayner
Paula Winestein
Chloe Fletcher Ellen Tindall Zoe Sawaneh
Site and Cleaning Team
John Worsnop - Caretaker
Paula Winestein – Cleaner
LCC Facilities Assistant- Joao Cardoso – working 27 hours per week
(Mon – Thurs 12.00pm – 5.30pm Friday 12.30pm – 5.30pm)
(Holiday periods Mon – Thurs 10.30am – 4.00pm Friday 10.00am – 3.00pm)