We have created our own leaflet on how to support you and your family stay safe online: Online Safety – Guide for Parents and also collected together some on-line safety information leaflets for parents. Please click on the links below to download them:

Online Safety
Today’s pupils are growing up in an increasingly complex world, living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. Here at Hunslet Moor Primary School we pride ourselves on equipping our children with the skills and knowledge needed to keep themselves safe online.
At Hunslet Moor, your child’s safety is very important to us. Because of this, we make sure that we thoroughly cover online safety in our computing curriculum, assemblies and wider school curriculum. Children are exposed to a range of resources to support them in reporting online issues and understand how to identify and speak about cyber bullying or online concerns.
*Half termly Online Safety days covering key themes outlined in UKCIS 'Education for a Connected World' are also taught in line with DfE recommendations. We feel that these lessons support children in recognising and reflecting on the impact of their own online behaviours as well as others.
From our very youngest pupils, children have the opportunity to engage and learn from the latest technological resources. We aim to provide them with the skills needed to succeed in an ever growing digital world and support them as they continue through education and further studies.
For further information please take the time to read the following policies and documents;
It is also really important that parents are aware of how to keep their children safe on-line. Click on any of the tabs and icons below to find out how to support your child at home.
Online safety guides for parents
Online Safety guides for parents in different languages
Information for foster parents and adoptive parents

Child Exploitation and Online Protection command

Online safety education programme

Helping parents keep their children safe online

The experts in digital life

Help and advice for families in a digital world.

Helping to make the internet a great and safe place for children

We equip you with the knowledge to stay safe

Safety tips, advice and resources

Net Aware

Vodaphone Digital Parenting

Learning Disabilities, Autism and Internet Safety