School Council
Our School Well-Being Council is an integral part of Hunslet Moor; many important discussions take place at regular meetings and key decisions that affect our school are made through contributions from our pupil representatives on the council. We recognise the importance of ensuring children have a voice and that their ideas and opinions are valued. Each class elect a representative democratically, who will regularly share outcomes from discussions and listen to opinions of classmates; bringing these to council meetings.
Our Healthy Schools validation visit acknowledged that;
The School Council is a key stakeholder in this school and supports the vision of the school. The children have various roles of responsibility and are confident within them. Pupils feel valued and are provided with opportunities to express their views on how to improve things at their school.
Our School Well-Being Council have achieved many great successes for our school including the following:
- Developed plans to support whole school raising of money for Red Nose Day charity
- Organised ‘Breakfast in Need’ for our community to raise money for Children in Need
- Organised (and help judge!) our Macmillan Bake Sale
- Organised a charity bobble hat day, raising money for NSPCC
- Organised events and activities for Sports Relief – raising money for charity
- Met with external consultants and developers to voice children’s opinions on our school expansion
- Shown visitors around our school
- Took part in interviews for Healthy Schools validation
- Discussed ideas for a French theme week
- Voted on who they want to be Food Ambassadors
- Presented ideas in assembly
- Took part in the consultation for the Youth Activity Fun