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Hunslet Moor
Primary School

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Welcome to our Nursery and Reception!

Starting Nursery and Reception is an exciting time for children and we aim to make it as memorable as possible. Children receive one education and we strive to make it the best!

Here at Hunslet Moor we aim to provide the very best start for every child regardless of their starting points. We pride ourselves on providing children with engaging and stimulating provision in a well resourced and exciting learning environment led by passionate and nurturing practitioners.Through well planned topics and enhancement opportunities children are encouraged to engage in new activities in order to broaden their understanding of the world around them.  

Nursery Year A Curriculum LTP 


The Early Years Curriculum

Children develop quickly in the early years and it is proven a child’s experiences between the ages of 0-5 has a major impact on their future life chances. In Early Years we follow the non-statutory guidance of Development Matters in order to meet the observational check points at the end of Nursery and the Early Learning Goals at the end of Reception. We ensure all children make progress through a broad and balanced curriculum consisting of play and adult led inputs. We believe our children thrive from consistency and routine and this is reflected in our daily timetables.

Parents and Carers Make the World of Difference

Young children learn by doing. This means playing and trying out new things in a safe environment. In order for a child to fully embed new skills they need the opportunity to practise and revisit these skills at home. A key aspect of our Early Years curriculum is involving parents and carers in children’s learning. We communicate with parents through the use of Tapestry and Class Dojo as well as regular stay and play sessions in both Reception and Nursery.

Meet the Team

 EYFS leader: Mrs L Frankland

Nursery Reception
Class teachers:


Mrs Gray

(Class teacher Monday- Wednesday)

Mrs Haskins

(Class teacher Wednesday to Friday)

Mrs Browne (maternity leave)

Class teachers:


Miss Wells

Miss Henry


 Support staff:


Miss Haist

Mrs Bibi

Mrs Ali 


Support staff:


Miss Rowbotham 

Miss Aslam 

Mrs Ali

Ms Kaur

Ms Konstantinou

Ms Clarke


Please speak to a member of the EYFS Team if you are unable to access any of these apps/websites from home.

We look forward to working together with you in our Early Years.