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Hunslet Moor
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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

In Key Stage 1, Year 2, we work in close partnership with parents and the Early Years Foundation Stage Team to ensure all children continue their learning journey in a safe, happy and nurturing environment, which stimulates their creativity and development.

We hope that together, we can engage your child in a variety of motivatinginteresting and exciting learning opportunities that will prepare them to become independent learners and achieve to their full potential.

All of our Key Stage 1 team have a strong commitment and dedication to providing the best possible education for children at Hunslet Moor Primary School.


KS1 curriculum

We follow a one-year program in which all subjects of the National Curriculum plus R.E. are taught through a thematic approach. We believe that learning should be meaningful and we give children the opportunity to learn in a way that is familiar and relevant to their everyday lives. Learning in KS1 takes the form of guided group workindependent activitiesteacher led activities and play-based learning. We use a variety of stimulating teaching styles and strategies to hook and engage the children in their learning, which include ‘hands on’ learning, visual learning through pictures, videos or demonstrations, and auditory learning through sounds and hearing.

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Homework and Reading

At Hunslet Moor, we place an extremely high value on the importance of reading. Our aim is to instil a love of reading and story-telling in our pupils. We have invested heavily in our class and school libraries and have a wonderful range of books for the children to enjoy. As a staff we have been considering a more efficient way to keep track of children’s reading; we wanted to find an easy and engaging way to record the reading the children do at home. As such, we have been looking for an online reading record and after some research, we have decided to trial logging our reading on Class Dojo in Year 2 and 6 only. Well done to all our children who have already begun logging their reading online daily!

Homework will also consist of Spellings, reading and TT Rockstars practice. We will be sending home newsletters each term to share what we are doing but if you would like to know anything else, please come and speak to Miss Bates, the KS1 leader.

We look forward to working together with you.

Meet the Team

Year 2
Class 2A Class 2B

Class teacher: Mrs Esteves

Class teacher: Ms Bates/Miss Shamshir

KS1 Support staff:

Miss Green, Ms Johnson, Miss Sidhu, Mrs Chaudhury and Mrs Buckley

KS1 Leader: Miss Bates

KS1 SEND Support: Miss Clarke